Sunday, May 16, 2010

Other quotes!!

We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
- Sam Keen, To Love and Be Loved
No one is perfect, so your never going to find the right person if your looking for a perfect person. You will fall in love with someone's imperfections so go looking with an open heart.
“Love is only a dirty trick played on us to achieve continuation of the species.
– W. -Somerset Maugham, A Writer’s Notebook

This quote makes me smile every time I hear it. It's basically the opinions of someone that has truly never been in love or doesn't believe in love's "powers."
“When you’re older you’ll know what people who love suffer…The agony. It’s better to be cold and young than to love”
– F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender Is The Night

This (of course) is a boy's point of view on love. So narrow minded and negative.
“These violent delights have violent ends
And in their triumph die, like fire and powder,
Which as they kiss consume.”
– William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

Love is violent, and most of the time it ends the way it started. But I guess the rush is worth the price you pay.
The world breaks us all. Afterward, some are stronger at the broken places."
-Ernest Hemingway- Farewell To Arms
I loveeeee this quote! People are the way they are because of the hardships they go through and overcome. Some people are broken by difficulties, others are made.

Poetry Quotes!

"You may forget the warmth he gave, I will forget the light."
-Emily Dickenson, Heart! We will forget him!

In this poem, Dickenson is "speaking" to her broken heart. She tells her heart to forget the warmth it felt when he was around and she will forget the brightness she saw around her from happiness when he was there. This quote has a lot of meaning and is very deep because no girl wants to dwell on a boy that broke her heart.
Her early leafs a flower; But only so an hour.
-Robert Frost, Nothing Gold Can Stay

This quote talks about time and nature. Nature is constantly growing, dieing and being reborn. Nothing stays the same longer than an hour. We need to enjoy what we have now. I compare the flower in this poem to my younger childhood years. I wanted to grow up so fast but I didn't realize that I needed to enjoy my time because you can decide the future, but you can't change the past.
And they tell me you are brutal and my reply is: On the faces of women and children I have seen the marks of wanton hunger.
-Carl Sandburg, Chicago

Sandburg uses this line to describe the negatives of Chicago. Many people only see the bright side, the light and entertainment. Yet, many do not see the poverty, the filth, or the crime that goes on behind the scenes.
The singer stopped playing and went to bed, While the Weary Blues echoed through his head
-Langston Hughes, The Weary Blues

The singer's life is full of soul and music, that even when he sleeps, he dreams of the "Weary Blues." I like this quote because it shows how music can be such a big part of someones life and how music affects people.
Still, the profound change has come upon them: rooted they grip down and begin to awaken.
William Carlos Williams, Spring and All
This quote represents life and a new beginning. "They" are the plants beginning to grow and blossom. Although many changes have occurred around them, they still begin to grow as their generations did before. We can compare this to the real world. Although many things have changed, people grow and blossom and learn to overcome difficulties and just live their lives.

Non-Fiction Quotes!

"If withal they should be ignorant, wrong-headed and insolent, so much the better."
-Benjamin Franklin, Rule by Which a Great Empire May be Reduced to a Small One

This quote shows Franklin's sarcasm in his writing. Franklin is trying to get his point across to his readers about how bad the colonies are being treated by England.
"Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.
-Francis Bacon, Of Studies

Bacon talks about the importance of literature to men and this quote sums it all up. It tells that literature, reading, and writing complete people.
"Although I rather recommend buying children alive, and dressing them hot from the knife, as we do roasting pigs."
-Jonathan Swift, A Modern Proposal

This quote shows more sarcasm! Only this time it is Jonathan Swift commenting on how poorly the Ireland government in handling the high birth rate and food shortages. Swift suggests "eating the children."
"Melancholy is thus the most legitimate of all poetical tones."
-Edgar Allen Poe, The
Philosophy of Composition
This quote comes from Poe's work/advice on writing good poetry, coming from one of the best/wellknown poets of all time. He believes the best tone of poetry is melancholy, a feeling of thoughtful sadness.
"A mere life of ease is not in the end a very satisfactory life, and above all, it is a life which ultimately unfits those who follow it for serious work in the world."
-Theodore Roosevelt, The Strenuous Life

I absolutely love this quote by Roosevelt! Getting by in life/having an easy life is not always a good life. You can't feel good about something unless you worked hard to get it. The feeling of accomplishment through hard work is one of the best feelings you may ever experience. All the people in the US today getting by through welfare who don't even attempt to get a job may have it easy, but they will never feel accomplished.

Fiction Quotes!

"Here, invisible yet strong, was the taboo of the old life."
- William Golding, Lord of the Flies
I had to read this book for outside reading in my American Literature class and this quote really stood out to me. The boys in this book had been trapped on and Island for so long and their normal ways of living had been completely abandoned. It was every boy for themselves and soon became a struggle for power. This quote is describing something some boys did that shows how human instinct and care for each other cannot be completely gone. "The old life" represents the civilized life the boys used to live.
“He has changed himself into something awful, only by hiding his face”
-Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Minister's Black Veil
This quote come from the short story, "The Minister's Black Veil", a story about sin, resentment, and a man named Mr. Hooper who tries to hide from the rest of the world by covering his face with a black veil. His black veil soon becomes a dark symbol in the story and this quote shows how Mr. Hooper has changed himself simply by covering his face.
“Poor Rip was at last reduced almost to despair; and his only alternative to escape from the labour of the farm and the clamour of his wife, was to take gun in hand and stroll away into the woods.”
-Washington Irving, Rip Van Winkle
I think this quote has a lot of meaning. It shows that Rip is stressed out by his home life and nagging wife and uses the woods and hunting as an escape from the real world. This is a good alternative to dealing with stress. Many people now a days turn to drugs and alcohol, which only makes things worse. The simpler solution, just take a stroll through nature, which has been proven to reduce stress.
"Once at rest, it seemed the old man would be stone, would never move again."
-John Steinbeck, The Leader of the People

This is a quote from John Steinbeck's, "The Leader of the People", a short story about family relationships and the changes in each generation. This quote is a very good description of the grandfather from the little boys point of view, showing that he is very frail/delicate.
She was going to live so as to go to the good place.
-Mark Twain, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

This quote is said my Huck talking about Mrs. Watson who was lecturing Huck on Heaven and Hell. Mrs. Watson wanted to live her life as a good life to go to "the good place", or in other words, heaven. Huck disagreed with this and believed he should live his life how he wanted.